«ALVETSENSE» Real-Time PCR kit

Item code: AL-SARSV-96

«AL­VET­SENSE» Real-Time PCR kit for the SARS-CoV-2 qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion by RT-PCR in real time (cat. No. AL-SAR­SV-96) is in­ten­ded for the 2019-nCoV coronavir­us RNA de­tec­tion by a one-step poly­merase chain re­ac­tion with fluor­es­cence de­tec­tion in real time (here­in­after RT-PCR-RT) in nuc­leic acid pre­par­a­tions isol­ated from smear samples from the ex­tern­al and in­tern­al sur­faces of food pack­aging, con­tain­ers and the product it­self, here­in­after re­ferred to as the kit. The kit de­tects the fol­low­ing genes: 3 loci of the orf1ab gene of the 2019-nCoV coronavir­us and the S, E and N genes of the 2019-nCoV coronavir­us.

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The kit is used with the following recording amplifier models: CFX96, iQ5 (manufactured by Bio-Rad, Singapore / USA); DT-322, DTprime, DTlight (manufactured by NPO DNA-technology LLC (ООО «НПО ДНК-технология»), Russia); Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Gene 3000 (manufactured by Corbett Research, Australia), Rotor-Gene 6000 (manufactured by Qiagen, Germany).