«ALPREP Spin Blood Auto» Reagent kit

Item code: PS-074A-480

«ALPREP Spin Blood Auto» Reagent kit is designed for automated DNA extraction from blood samples. The op­era­tion prin­ciple of the kit is based on the auto­mat­ic DNA puri­fic­a­tion from blood samples.

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Spe­ci­mens. Whole blood samples treated with such anticoagulants as citrate, EDTA, and heparin are suitable for extraction. Both fresh and frozen samples can be used. The yield and quality of purified DNA depends on the blood storage conditions.

Ana­lyt­ic­al char­ac­terist­ics. «AL­PREP Spin Blood Auto» Re­agent kit provides DNA with purity at least 1.8 according to A260/A280 ratio; the amount of extracted DNA is at least 2-10 μg.