«ALVETPREP» Extraction Kit

Item code: AL-PREP2V-96 | AL-PREP5V-96

«AL­VET­PREP» Ex­trac­tion Kit (cat. No. AL-PREP2V-96, cat. No. AL-PREP5V-96) is in­ten­ded for the sim­ul­tan­eous DNA / RNA isol­a­tion from bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al for sub­sequent ana­lys­is of the res­ult­ing DNA / RNA pre­par­a­tion us­ing poly­merase chain re­ac­tion (PCR) and poly­merase chain re­ac­tion with a re­verse tran­scrip­tion (RT-PCR).

The func­tion­al use of «AL­VET­PREP» Ex­trac­tion Kit (cat. No. AL-PREP2V-96, cat. No. AL-PREP5V-96) is to carry out sample pre­par­a­tion for the sub­sequent ana­lys­is of bio­lo­gic­al samples, per­formed in the course of labor­at­ory dia­gnost­ics us­ing PCR or RT-PCR. The kit is used to ob­tain a DNA / RNA pre­par­a­tion free from re­verse tran­scrip­tion and PCR in­hib­it­ors, which provides high ana­lyt­ic­al cap­ab­il­it­ies for sub­sequent ana­lys­is.

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Application area. Professional use for research purposes, in specialized laboratories for sanitary examination and the food industry.