«ALPREP Plasmid Column» Extraction kit

Item code: PP-050C-50 | PP-050C-100

«AL­PREP Plas­mid Column» Ex­trac­tion kit com­bines ad­vanced chem­istry and mag­net­ic ad­sorb­tion for plas­mid DNA puri­fic­a­tion from bac­teri­al cul­ture for manu­al and ro­bot­ic pro­cessing. High yields and pur­ity of ex­trac­ted plas­mid DNA provides pos­s­ib­il­ity to use it in PCR, clon­ing, re­stric­tion en­zyme di­ges­tion.

The kit is in­ten­ded for re­search pur­poses.

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  • The kit is used to isol­ate plas­mid DNA from a li­quid bac­teri­al cul­ture.
  • Kit com­pon­ents provide com­plete re­mov­al of salts, pro­teins, RNA and oth­er cel­lu­lar com­pon­ents.
  • Ob­tained DNA is char­ac­ter­ized by a high de­gree of pur­ity.
  • The kit al­lows elu­tion of plas­mid DNA in a volume of 30 to 100 µl.
  • Ef­fi­ci­ency of plas­mid DNA ex­trac­tion with this kit is > 85% .
  • Plas­mid DNA yield up to 20 µg.
  • The pro­tocol time is 30 minutes.