ELISA-kits and Antibody-based Solutions

For the de­tec­tion of an­tibod­ies against all sero­types of Bluetongue vir­us.
For the de­tec­tion of an­tibod­ies against Bov­ine Leukemia Vir­us.
For the de­tec­tion ofantibod­ies against Clas­sic­al Swine Fever vir­us.
For the de­tec­tion of an­tibod­ies against Por­cine Re­pro­duct­ive and Res­pir­at­ory Syndrome vir­us.
To de­term­ine ba­cit­ra­cin.
To de­term­ine strep­to­my­cin.
To de­term­ine tet­ra­cyc­line.
To de­term­ine chloramphen­icol.
For quant­it­at­ive ana­lys­is of the my­co­tox­in deoxyni­valen­ol (DON).
For quant­it­at­ive ana­lys­is of zear­alen­one.
For the de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.
For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of IgG to the SARS-CoV‑2 gly­co­pro­tein S (spike).
For the de­tec­tion of neut­ral­iz­ing an­tibod­ies.
For de­term­in­a­tion titer IgG to SARS-CoV‑2.
For de­term­in­a­tion titer IgM to SARS-CoV‑2.
For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.