«ELISA-IgM-Sars-CoV‑2» reagent kit

Item code: E001-M

«ELISA-Ig­M-Sar­s-CoV‑2» re­a­gent kit cre­ated to de­tect im­mun­o­globulin­s M by ELISA method. The Kit is con­fgured to ana­lyze 46 un­known samples in neg­at­ive con­trol trip­l­ic­ate, pos­it­ive con­trol monopl­ic­ate. 96 de­fn­i­tion­s in total.

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In Vitro diagnostic ELISA based test kit for immunoglobulins M to SARS-Cov-2 in serum and plasma (EDTA, heparin, ACD or citrate).

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is the largest antibody. IgM represnts approximately 5-10% of the human blood plasma antibodies. It is the first antibody to appear when the hunman body figts a new infection.

The IgM detection may assist to determine immune response in patients with an early stage of coronavirus disease.

How to determine antibodies to the SARS-CoV‑2 coronavirus

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