«CleanСheck-G» Rapid Test

Item code: CCG-089S-100 | CCG-089W-100

«CleanСheck G» Rapid Test is designed for quick qualitative determination of trace amount organic substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other reducing substances), alkali washing detergents on various surfaces, onto instruments and consumables. Fast results allow you to make a decision on additional cleaning / disinfection without waiting for the results of microbiological control.

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For in vitro use only. The sens­it­iv­ity of the re­agent kit is less than 25 µg of the pro­tein. This de­tec­tion threshold was de­term­ined by the ca­sein pro­tein. Con­ver­sion to oth­er pro­teins and a dir­ect quant­it­at­ive cor­rela­tion between the in­dic­at­or dye in­tens­ity and the num­ber of pro­teins is not pos­s­ible.

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