«ALPREP Gel Column» Purification kit

Item code: PG-048C-50 | PG-048C-100

«ALPREP Gel Column» Purification kit is designed for agarose gel DNA extraction by spin column. Suitable for working with agarose gels based on TAE (Tris/Acetate/EDTA) and TBE (Tris/Borate/EDTA) buffer solutions. The kit contains no hazardous volatile chemicals, such as chloroform, benzene, phenol, etc. The purified DNA is suitable for subsequent use in PCR, real-time PCR, restriction, ligation, sample preparation for Sanger and NGS sequencing, and other genetic engineering applications.

The kit is in­ten­ded for re­search pur­poses.

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  • DNA size: 70-10000 bp.
  • DNA extraction from all types of agarose.
  • Agarose concentration in the gel up to 3%.
  • DNA fragments release after purification - from 80%.
  • No isopropanol/ethanol DNA reprecipitation and chloroform-phenol extraction stages.
  • Extraction and purification time - 35 minutes.
до очистки при помощи набора реагентов «ALPREP Gel Magnetic»
Before purification with «ALPREP Gel Column» Purification kit
после очистки при помощи набора реагентов «ALPREP Gel Magnetic»
After purification with «ALPREP Gel Column» Purification kit