Re­search and pro­duc­tion bi­o­tech­no­logy com­pany Al­gimed Techno, LLC

Algimed Techno was founded in 2019 in Minsk. Despite company’s team is a young one, the experience of some employees in biological sphere reaches 30 years. The cooperation of enthusiastic young specialists with skilled professionals helps to create innovative solutions based on current market needs.

The product portfolio includes: PCR-kits | ELISA-kits and Antibody-based Solutions | Mass spectrometry solutions | miRNA profiling kit | Sample Preparation Kit and Reagents for PCR-laboratories: extraction and purification kit for DNA, RNA, proteins, pre-lysis kits, competents cells | Endotoxin and Pyrogen Detection Test (LAL, MAT) | «ALSEPT with cactus aroma» spray & «ALSEPT with rosemary and cucumber aroma» spray | High-perfomance enzymes | Contamination Detection Kits (Hygenic and Sanitary control) | NOVAPREP Solutions for Cervical Cancer Screening and Diagnostics | Equipment («Vision 90» x‑ray machine) | Plastic & sampling kits, plates.

Product lines

Algimed Techno is constantly expanding the list of products.

The com­pany star­ted out with a suc­cess­ful pro­du­cing of ELISA test kits for de­term­in­a­tion of tet­ra­cyc­line (le­vomicet­in group), strep­to­my­cin, chloramphen­icol, ba­cit­ra­cin and grew in­to a mul­ti­dir­ec­tion­al man­u­fac­turer with­in less than a year.

Al­gimed Techno strives to of­fer the con­sumer cost-ef­fect­ive high-qu­al­ity up-to-date products.

Algimed Techno, LLC was officially certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016.

Our certificates: ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016

Algimed Techno - ISO certificate

Our news


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