Получено регистрационное удостоверение на комплексное решение для жидкостной цитологии NOVAPREP в Республиках Узбекистан и Казахстан!

Registration certificate for the complex solution for liquid cytology NOVAPREP in the Republics of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan obtained!

Dear colleagues and partners,

We are glad to inform you that our company has received a registration certificate for NOVAPREP liquid cytology products on the markets of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. NOVAPREP products already meet the regulatory requirements of the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, European Union, Vietnam, Guatemala, Turkey and Kuwait.

Product registration in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco and Kenya is expected soon.

We are confident that the use of NOVAPREP technology will make a significant contribution to improving the quality of medical services and the health of patients in all regions.

For further information, consultations and cooperation, please contact us at the following contacts:

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