«ALPREP Prelysis Auto» kit


Pre­lim­in­ary lys­is of hard tis­sues.

Designed for automated extraction of nucleic acids from cartilage tissue samples of various animal species.

  • Compatibility: Adapted with Auto-Pure 96, KingFisher Flex 96, INOPurauto-96, Nexor 96, and Gene Pure Pro 96 extraction systems.
  • Handling Complex Matrices: Effective at the pre-analytical stage of sample preparation.
  • Lysis Efficiency: Achieves a lysis efficiency of 70-100%.
Application field: Food safety, Science, Veterinary SKU: PP-035А-96 Category:



«ALPREP Prelysis Auto» kit is designed for nucleic acids extraction from cartilage tissue samples of various animal species for subsequent analysis using PCR and RT-PCR. The kit can be used for research purposes in specialized laboratories for sanitary inspection and in the food industry.


The principle of reagent kit is based on pre-treating cartilage tissue samples with a prelysis buffer, followed by the extraction and purification of nucleic acids using adsorption on the surface of magnetic particles. This sample preparation method ensures the highest efficiency of cartilage tissue lysis and maximizes the yield of nucleic acids.

Release form

Cat. Number Product name Note
PP-035А-96 ALPREP Prelysis Auto for 96 samples (for Auto-Pure 96, KingFisher Flex 96, INOPurauto-96, Nexor 96, Gene Pure Pro 96 extraction systems)


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