
Identification of microorganisms.

Application field: Medicine, Science, Veterinary SKU: MB-008-60 | MB-008-200 Category:


«ALMASS Bio» MALDI TOF MS System for quick identification of microorganisms.

Identification of microorganisms based on the molecular «fingerprint»

ALMASS Bio system comprises the best European and Asian developments in the field of MALDI mass-spectrometer identification of microorganisms.

The identification is carried out basing on the protein spectre, which is unique for each microbial culture: ribosomal proteins are specific for microorganisms. Software bioinformatical algorithms provide reliable and accurate species identification of microorganisms by means of comparison of the obtained mass-spectres with the comprehensive database.


Identification object Bacteria, mycobacteria, yeast, fungi
Database More than 2700 species and 7000 strains, the ability to create your own records
Resolving power More than 4000 for m/z 2093.09 (ACTH 1-17)
Detection limit S/N > 10:1 at m/z 445 (Tetracycline, 0.1 mg/ml)
Relative standard deviation Not more than 0,02% at m/z 445 (Tetracycline, 0.1 mg/ml)
Mass accuracy Not more than 200 ppm
Mass range 1-300 000 Da
Mass stability Less than 200 ppm/8h
Solid state laser «ALMASS Bio 60»: up to 60 Hz with smooth regulation resource of more than 1010 shots
«ALMASS Bio 200»: up to 200 Hz with smooth regulation resource of more than 1010 shots
Target Reusable, stainless steel
Ionization mode Positive and negative, switchable programmatically

Release form

Part number Name
MB-008-60 «ALMASS Bio 60» MALDI TOF MS System
MB-008-200 «ALMASS Bio 200» MALDI TOF MS System


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