Showing all 5 results

  • Набор реагентов «ALPYR MAT»

    «ALPYR MAT» Monocyte activation test kit

    MAT to de­term­ine the con­tent of bac­teri­al en­do­tox­ins and pyro­gens of non­en­do­tox­in nature.

    MAT to de­term­ine the con­tent of bac­teri­al en­do­tox­ins and pyro­gens of non­en­do­tox­in nature.

  • Контейнеры апирогенные «ALPYR Container»

    «ALPYR Container» Sampling containers

    Samp­ling con­tain­ers cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

    Samp­ling con­tain­ers cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

  • Набор реагентов «ALPYR Test»

    «ALPYR Test» Gel clot test Standard

    For gel thrombus test (LAL-test).

    For gel thrombus test (LAL-test).

  • Вода «ALPYR Water» для БЭТ

    «ALPYR Water» for BET

    Wa­ter cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

    Wa­ter cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

  • Пробирки «ALPYR Tube» для ЛАЛ-теста

    «ALPYR Tube» Apyrogenic tubes

    For LAL-test and dilution procedures using any of the pharmacopoeia method.

    For LAL-test and dilution procedures using any of the pharmacopoeia method.

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