Showing 1–30 of 39 results

  • Набор реагентов «ИФА-AG-SARS-CoV-2»

    «ELISA AG SARS-CoV-2» reagent kit

    For the de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.

    For the de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.

  • Набор реагентов «ИФА-набор для определения IgG к SARS-CoV‑2»

    «ELISA-IgG-Sars-CoV-2» reagent kit

    For the detection of IgG antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2.

    For the detection of IgG antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2.

  • Набор реагентов «ИФА-набор для определения IgМ к SARS-CoV‑2»

    «ELISA-IgM-Sars-CoV-2» reagent kit

    For the detection of IgM antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2.

    For the detection of IgM antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2.

  • Набор реагентов «ИФА-IgGRBD-SARS-CoV‑2»

    «IgG RBD-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA» reagent kit

    For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of IgG to the SARS-CoV‑2 gly­co­pro­tein S (spike).

    For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of IgG to the SARS-CoV‑2 gly­co­pro­tein S (spike).

  • Набор реагентов «ИФА-nAb-SARS-CoV‑2»

    «NAb-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA» reagent kit

    For the de­tec­tion of neut­ral­iz­ing an­tibod­ies.

    For the de­tec­tion of neut­ral­iz­ing an­tibod­ies.

  • Экспресс-тест «SARS-CoV‑2 AG»

    «SARS-CoV-2 AG» Rapid test

    For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.

    For the qu­al­it­at­ive de­tec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2 an­ti­gen.

  • Набор для декантации «NOVAprep Decantation System»

    NOVAprep Decantation System

    Labware for decantation.

    Labware for decantation.

  • Раствор «NOVAprep Decontamination liquid»

    NOVAprep Decontamination liquid

    Decontamination liquid for NOVAprep station.

    Decontamination liquid for NOVAprep station.

  • Виалы «NOVAprep HQ+ Grey Vial»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Grey Vial

    Storage and transportation of non-gynecological biomaterial.

    Storage and transportation of non-gynecological biomaterial.

  • Виалы «NOVAprep HQ+ Orange Vial»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Orange Vial

    Storage and transportation of gynecological biomaterial.

    Storage and transportation of gynecological biomaterial.

  • Раствор «NOVAprep HQ+ Preservative Solution»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Preservative Solution

    Fixation of cells in a cytological sample.

    Fixation of cells in a cytological sample.

  • Набор стекол «NOVAprep Slide»

    NOVAprep Slide kit

    Slides for liquid cytology.

    Slides for liquid cytology.

  • Система «АЛМАСС Био»

    «ALMASS Bio» MALDI TOF MS System

    Identification of microorganisms.

  • Набор пластиковых расходных материалов для роботизированной станции (KingFisher Flex и Auto-Pure 96)

    Plastic Kit for Robotic Station (KingFisher Flex & Auto-Pure 96)

    For the extraction and purification of DNA/RNA, proteins, and fragments from gels and reaction mixtures.

    For the extraction and purification of DNA/RNA, proteins, and fragments from gels and reaction mixtures.

  • Набор реагентов «АЛМАСС Био»

    «ALMASS Bio» Reagent kit

    For preparation of microorganism samples and calibration of masses for MALDI-TOF spectrometry.

    For preparation of microorganism samples and calibration of masses for MALDI-TOF spectrometry.

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    «ALFLOW AutoPrep» Reagent kit

    Rapid, no-wash erythrocyte lysing system.

    Rapid, no-wash erythrocyte lysing system.

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    «ALFLOW Count» Fluorescent Microspheres

    Direct determination of absolute cell counts in samples intended for flow cytometry analysis.

    Direct determination of absolute cell counts in samples intended for flow cytometry analysis.

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    «ALFLOW Isoton» Solution

    Sheath fluid for flow cytometers.

    Sheath fluid for flow cytometers.

  • New product
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    «ALFLOW MultiClon T» Monoclonal Antibodies Reagent

    Monoclonal antibody reagent for the analysis of T-cells.

    Monoclonal antibody reagent for the analysis of T-cells.

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    «ALFLOW MultiClon TBNK» Monoclonal Antibodies Reagent

    Monoclonal antibody reagent for the analysis of T-cells, B-cells and NK-cells.

    Monoclonal antibody reagent for the analysis of T-cells, B-cells and NK-cells.

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    «ALFLOW Prep 10Х» Lysing Reagent

    10-x concentrate of lysing solution for manual erythrocyte lysis.

    10-x concentrate of lysing solution for manual erythrocyte lysis.

  • New product
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    «ALFLOW Prep Multi» Lysing Reagent

    Ready-to-use reagent for manual red blood cells lysis.

    Ready-to-use reagent for manual red blood cells lysis.

  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Plasma-M»

    «ALPREP Plasma-M» Reagent kit

    For the NA extraction from blood plasma samples collected.

    Designed for manual or automatic DNA/RNA extraction from human blood plasma by magnetic sorption.

    • Separates free circulating DNA/RNA from blood plasma samples collected in a tube with EDTA or CPDA.
    • DNA extraction efficiency greater than 85%.
    • No isopropanol/ethanol resuspension and chloroform-phenol extraction steps.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples for manual extraction or 96-samples kit for automatic extraction.
  • New product
    Набор реагентов «ALSENSE RHD»

    «ALSENSE RHD» Reagent kit

    Detection of RHD gene by real-time PCR.

    Designed for the qualitative determination of the RHD gene in blood plasma using real-time PCR.

    • Determination of 4 RHD gene exons.
    • Early testing available from the 9th-10th week of embryological pregnancy.
    • Specificity and sensitivity: over 99% according to clinical-laboratory tests.
    • Assess the need for the introduction of immunoglobulin in the absence of anti-rhesus antibodies in the blood of a pregnant woman at 20 weeks.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP-2»

    «ALPREP-2» Extraction kit

    Manu­al Ex­trac­tion Kit from clin­ic­al and bio­lio­gic­al samples.

    Designed for manual DNA and RNA extraction from clinical samples (mucous membrane secretions, biological fluids) by magnetic sorption.

    • Ensures removal of reverse transcription and PCR inhibitors.
    • A260/A280 purity of at least 1.7.
    • DNA/RNA extraction efficiency from 30 to 70 %.
    • Total time of protocol ‒ 40 minutes.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP‑5»

    «ALPREP-5» Extraction kit

    Auto­mat­ic Ex­trac­tion kit from clin­ic­al and bio­lo­gic­al samples.

    Designed for automated DNA and RNA extraction from clinical samples (mucous membranes, biological fluids) by magnetic sorption.

    • Adapted for Auto-Pure 96, KingFisher Flex 96, INOPurauto-96, Nexor 96, Gene Pure Pro 96 extraction systems.
    • Ensures removal of reverse transcription and PCR inhibitors.
    • A260/A280 extraction purity of at least 1.7.
    • DNA/RNA extraction efficiency from 30 to 70%.
    • Total time of protocol ‒ 35 minutes.
  • Набор реагентов «ALSENSE FLU-SARS»

    «ALSENSE FLU-SARS» Real-Time PCR Kit

    Detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2, influenza A & influenza B viruses.

    Detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2, influenza A & influenza B viruses.

  • Набор реагентов «ALSENSE FLU»

    «ALSENSE FLU» Reverse-Transcription PCR Kit

    Detection RNA from influenza A & influenza B viruses.

    Detection RNA from influenza A & influenza B viruses.

  • Набор реагентов «ALSENSE-SARS-CoV-2-RT-qPCR»

    «ALSENSE-SARS-CoV-2-RT-qPCR» Real-Time PCR kit

    Sars-Cov-2 De­tec­tion.

    Sars-Cov-2 De­tec­tion.

  • Средство для деконтаминации «CleanCheck Remover»

    «CleanCheck Remover» Decontamination solution

    Removal of trace amounts of DNA, RNA, DNases, and RNases from work surfaces and equipment.

    Designed for the removal of trace amounts of DNA, RNA, DNases, and RNases from work surfaces, equipment, and instruments.

    • Efficiently degrades DNA/RNA fragments regardless of their size.
    • Decontaminates surfaces without inhibiting PCR.
    • Achieves surface decontamination within 15 minutes.
    • Suitable for both remediation of existing contamination and its prevention.

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