
Reagents for Flow Cytometry








Mass Spectrometry Solutions




MicroRNA Research Kits



Buffers and Reagents for Molecular Biology

  • New product
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    «ALCHEM DNA Blue SDS» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Blue SDS Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM DNA Green SDS» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Green SDS Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM DNA Red SDS» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Red SDS Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM DNA Blue» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Blue Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM DNA Green» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Green Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM DNA Red» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    DNA Red Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of DNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM RNA 2х» Loading Dye

    Loading Dye for analysis of RNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

    RNA Loading Dye is a high-quality gel-loading buffer for preparation of RNA samples for gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM MgCl2 50 mM» Solution

    For optimization of Mg2+ ion concentration in the PCR Master mix.

    For optimization of Mg2+ ion concentration in the PCR Master mix.

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    «ALCHEM TAPS» Buffer solution

    TAPS buffer for capillary electrophoresis.

    TAPS buffer is a ready-to-use buffer for capillary electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM SSC» Buffer solution

    SSC buffer for nucleic acid preparations.

    SSC buffer is a Saline-Sodium Citrate buffer for nucleic acid preparations.

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    «ALCHEM TGS» Buffer solution

    TGS buffer for protein gel electrophoresis.

    TGS buffer is a Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer for protein gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM TG» Buffer solution

    TG buffer for protein gel electrophoresis.

    TG buffer is a Tris-Glycine buffer for protein gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM TВE» Buffer solution

    TBE buffer for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis.

    TBE buffer is a Tris-Borate-EDTA buffer for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM TAE» Buffer solution

    TAE buffer for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis.

    TAE buffer is a Tris-Acetate-EDTA buffer for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis.

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    «ALCHEM TE» Buffer solution

    TE buffer for nucleic acid preparations.

    TE Buffer is a Tris-EDTA buffer for nucleic acid preparations.

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    «ALCHEM PBS» Buffer solution

    PBS buffer for cell culture and biomolecule applications.

    PBS buffer is a phosphate-buffered saline for cell culture and biomolecule applications.




DNA, RNA, & Protein Extraction & Purification

  • New product
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    «ALPREP Prelysis Auto» kit

    Pre­lim­in­ary lys­is of hard tis­sues.

    Designed for automated extraction of nucleic acids from cartilage tissue samples of various animal species.

    • Compatibility: Adapted with Auto-Pure 96, KingFisher Flex 96, INOPurauto-96, Nexor 96, and Gene Pure Pro 96 extraction systems.
    • Handling Complex Matrices: Effective at the pre-analytical stage of sample preparation.
    • Lysis Efficiency: Achieves a lysis efficiency of 70-100%.
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    «ALPREP AlMag» Magnetic Rack

    For nucleic acid extraction and magnetic cell separation using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for sedimentation of magnetic sorbent particles during the extraction of nucleic acids and proteins from various biological materials, as well as magnetic separation of cells.

    • High sedimentation rate of magnetic sorbent (from 3 seconds).
    • Durability of the housing and magnets.
    • Possibility of sterilization by UV radiation.
    • Variability of maximum load from 8 to 96 samples.
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    «ALPREP Plant-M Auto» Reagent kit

    Automatic DNA/RNA extraction from plant tissue samples.

    Designed for automated DNA/RNA extraction from plant tissue samples using the magnetic sorption method.

    • Adapted with Auto Pure, Gene Pure Pro, Nexor, KingFisher, INOPurauto extraction systems.
    • DNA/RNA extraction from any part of plants (leaves, stems, roots, fruits, buds), including frozen, dried, and woody samples.
    • No stages of isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation or chloroform-phenol extraction.
    • Available in kits for 48 and 96 samples.
    • Kit adaptable to your extraction system.
  • New product
    Набор реагентов «ALPREP Max-C»

    «ALPREP Max-C» Extraction kit

    DNA extraction from biological and clinical samples using a spin-column membrane.

    Designed for DNA and RNA extraction from biological and clinical samples by sorption on a spin-column membrane.

    • Obtains DNA and RNA of high purity.
    • Contains proteinase K.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimal risk of contamination.
    • Available in kits for 20, 50 and 100 samples.
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    «ALPREP Max-M Auto» Extraction kit

    Automatic DNA extraction from biological and clinical samples.

    Designed for automated DNA and RNA extraction from biological and clinical samples by magnetic sorption.

    • Adapted for Auto-Pure, KingFisher, INOPurauto, GenePure Pro, Nexor, extraction systems.
    • Obtains DNA and RNA of high purity.
    • Contains proteinase K.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimal risk of contamination.
    • Available in kits for 32 and 96 samples.
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    «ALPREP Max-M» Extraction kit

    DNA extraction from biological and clinical samples using magnetic sorbent.

    Designed for manual DNA and RNA extraction from biological and clinical samples by magnetic sorption.

    • Obtains DNA and RNA of high purity.
    • Contains proteinase K.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimal risk of contamination.
    • Available in kits for 20, 50 and 100 samples.
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    «ALPREP Forensic Express» Extraction kit

    DNA extraction for Forensic Labs using ion exchange resins.

    Designed for DNA/RNA extraction using ion exchange resin from most types of forensic samples.

    • High speed extraction and purification of DNA.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimal risk of contamination.
    • Certified free from foreign DNA/RNA of various origins (including human DNA/RNA), DNase/RNase Free.
    • Available in kits for 100, 200 and 400 samples, including magnetic anchor.
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    «ALPREP Milk-M Auto» Reagent kit

    Nucleic acid extraction from milk and dairy products using nucleic acid purification system.

    Designed for the automatic extraction of DNA/RNA from milk and dairy product samples using magnetic sorption.

    • Adapted with Auto-Pure, Gene Pure Pro, KingFisher, INOPurauto-96, and Freedom Evo extraction systems.
    • Includes Proteinase K.
    • Eliminates stages involving reprecipitation with isopropanol/ethanol and chloroform-phenol extraction.
    • The extraction and purification process takes only 45 minutes.
    • Guarantees at least 3 ng/µL of nucleic acids.
    • Available in kits for 96 samples.
    • Can be adapted with your extraction system.
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    «ALPREP Milk-M» Reagent kit

    Nucleic acid extraction from milk and dairy products using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for manual DNA/RNA extraction from milk and dairy product samples using magnetic sorption.

    • Includes proteinase K.
    • No isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation or chloroform-phenol extraction stages.
    • Extraction and purification time – 45 minutes.
    • The amount of extracted nucleic acids are not less than 3 ng/μl.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Ampli Column»

    «ALPREP Ampli Column» Purification kit

    DNA extraction from PCR mixtures using a spin-column membrane.

    Designed for DNA purification from a PCR, ligation or restriction reactions by sorption on a spin-column membrane.

    • Efficient purification of single- and double-stranded DNA from unbound dNTPs, salts, and other contaminants.
    • Removal of fragments up to 100 bp, including primers and their dimers.
    • DNA fragment recovery after purification of at least 70 %.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Plasmid Column»

    «ALPREP Plasmid Column» Extraction kit

    Plasmid DNA extraction and purification using a spin-column membrane.

    Designed for plasmid DNA extraction from gram-negative bacteria using a spin-column based method.

    • Complete removal of salts, proteins, RNA and other cellular components.
    • DNA extraction efficiency of more than 85%.
    • Plasmid DNA yield up to 20 µg.
    • Extraction and purification time is 30 minutes.
    • No isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation and chloroform-phenol extraction steps.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP M-Sorb Blood»

    «ALPREP M-Sorb Blood» Extraction kit

    DNA extraction from blood samples using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for manual DNA extraction from human and animal whole blood samples using the magnetic sorption method.

    • Purity of the extracted DNA is at least 1.8 by the A260/A280 ratio.
    • Nucleic acid yield is 2-10 µg.
    • Includes Proteinase K, which speeds up the lysis of complex matrices.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes contamination risk.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Plasma-M»

    «ALPREP Plasma-M» Reagent kit

    For the NA extraction from blood plasma samples collected.

    Designed for manual or automatic DNA/RNA extraction from human blood plasma by magnetic sorption.

    • Separates free circulating DNA/RNA from blood plasma samples collected in a tube with EDTA or CPDA.
    • DNA extraction efficiency greater than 85%.
    • No isopropanol/ethanol resuspension and chloroform-phenol extraction steps.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples for manual extraction or 96-samples kit for automatic extraction.
  • New product
    Набор реагентов «ALPREP Plant-M»

    «ALPREP Plant-M» Reagent kit

    DNA/RNA extraction from plant tissue samples using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for manual DNA/RNA extraction from plant tissue samples using the magnetic sorption method.

    • DNA/RNA extraction from any part of plants (leaves, stems, roots, fruits, buds), including frozen, dried, and woody samples.
    • No stages of isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation or chloroform-phenol extraction.
    • Time for extraction and purification: 45 minutes.
    • Available in kits for 20, 50, and 100 samples.
  • Лизирующий буфер «ALPREP BTA»

    «ALPREP BTA» Lysis Buffer

    Pre­lim­in­ary lys­is of hard tis­sues (bone, car­til­age, teeth).

    Effectively lyses dental and bone powder, aiding in the extraction of DNA and RNA when used in combination with ALPREP Forensic, ALPREP Forensic Plus and ALPREP Forensic Auto Kits.

    • Accelerates lysis of complex matrices (bone and dental powder, adhesive materials).
    • Reduces lysis time to 2-3 hours.
    • Removes PCR inhibitors found in forensic samples.
    • Certified DNA/RNA Free (including human DNA/RNA), DNases/RNases Free.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Forensic Plus»

    «ALPREP Forensic Plus» Extraction Kit

    DNA Ex­trac­tion Kit for Forensic Labs.

    For manual DNA and RNA extraction from most types of forensic samples.

    • Designed for obtaining highly purified DNA for forensic and scientific research.
    • Kit includes Proteinase K.
    • Ensures the removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes the risk of contamination.
    • Certified DNA/RNA/DNase/RNase Free.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Forensic»

    «ALPREP Forensic» Extraction kit

    DNA Ex­trac­tion Kit for Forensic Labs.

    For manual DNA and RNA extraction from most types of forensic samples.

    • Designed for obtaining highly purified DNA for forensic and scientific research.
    • Ensures the removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes the risk of contamination.
    • Certified DNA/RNA/DNase/RNase Free.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Plasmid Magnetic»

    «ALPREP Plasmid Magnetic» Extraction kit

    Plasmid DNA extraction and purification using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for plasmid DNA extraction from gram-negative bacteria using magnetic sorption method.

    • Complete removal of salts, proteins, RNA and other cellular components.
    • DNA extraction efficiency of more than 85%.
    • Plasmid DNA yield up to 20 µg.
    • Extraction and purification time is 30 minutes.
    • No isopropanol/ethanol re-precipitation and chloroform-phenol extraction steps.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Осаждающий буфер «ALPREP PRC»

    «ALPREP PRC» Depositing buffer

    Binding of nucleic acids to the carrier material.

    Reagent that enhances the efficiency of nucleic acid binding to the carrier material with ALPREP Spin Blood and ALPREP M-Sorb Blood kits.

    • Contains chaotropic substances and detergents.
    • Supplied as a concentrate. Isopropanol (100%) must be added before first use.
    • Packaging: 240 ml flasks (Cat. Number PP-078-240).
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Gel Column»

    «ALPREP Gel Column» Purification kit

    DNA purification from agarose gels using a spin-column membrane.

    Designed for DNA extraction from agarose gels followed by purification using the sorption method on a spin-column membrane.

    • Suitable for all types of agarose gels with concentrations up to 3%.
    • DNA fragment recovery after purification of at least 80%.
    • No stages of isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation or chloroform-phenol extraction.
    • DNA in a size range between 70 bp and 10 kb.
    • Time for extraction and purification: 35 minutes.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Spin Blood Auto»

    «ALPREP Spin Blood Auto» Extraction kit

    Automated DNA extraction from blood samples.

    Designed for automated DNA extraction from human and animal whole blood samples using the sorption method on a spin-column membrane.

    • Adapted with QIAcube HT, Freedom Evo extracted systems.
    • Purity of the extracted DNA is at least 1.8 by the A260/A280 ratio.
    • Nucleic acid yield is 2-10 µg.
    • Includes Proteinase K, which speeds up the lysis of complex matrices.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes contamination risk.
    • Can be adapted to your extraction system.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Spin Blood»

    «ALPREP Spin Blood» Extraction kit

    DNA purification from blood samples by sorption on the spin-column membrane.

    Designed for manual DNA extraction from human and animal whole blood samples using the sorption method on a spin-column membrane.

    • Purity of extracted DNA is at least 1.8 by the A260/A280 ratio.
    • Nucleic acid yield is 2-10 µg.
    • Includes Proteinase K, which speeds up the lysis of complex matrices.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes contamination risk.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Forensic Auto»

    «ALPREP Forensic Auto» Extraction kit

    DNA extraction and purification using nucleic acid purification system for Forensic labs.

    For automated DNA and RNA extraction from most types of forensic samples.

    • Adapted with AutoMate Express (Applied Biosystems, USA), Auto Pure (Allsheng Instruments, China), Gene Pure Pro (Bioer Technology, China), Nexor (Lepu Medical Technology, China).
    • Ensures the removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes the risk of contamination.
    • Certified DNA/RNA/DNase/RNase Free.
    • Kit adaptable to your extraction system.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP-2»

    «ALPREP-2» Extraction kit

    Manu­al Ex­trac­tion Kit from clin­ic­al and bio­lio­gic­al samples.

    Designed for manual DNA and RNA extraction from clinical samples (mucous membrane secretions, biological fluids) by magnetic sorption.

    • Ensures removal of reverse transcription and PCR inhibitors.
    • A260/A280 purity of at least 1.7.
    • DNA/RNA extraction efficiency from 30 to 70 %.
    • Total time of protocol ‒ 40 minutes.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Ampli Magnetic»

    «ALPREP Ampli Magnetic» Purification kit

    DNA extraction from PCR mixtures using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for DNA purification from a PCR, ligation or restriction reactions by magnetic sorption.

    • Efficient purification of single- and double-stranded DNA from unbound dNTPs, salts, and other contaminants.
    • Removal of fragments up to 100 bp, including primers and their dimers.
    • DNA fragment recovery after purification of at least 70%.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP Gel Magnetic»

    «ALPREP Gel Magnetic» Purification kit

    DNA purification from agarose gels using magnetic sorption.

    Designed for DNA extraction from agarose gels followed by purification using the method of magnetic sorption.

    • Suitable for all types of agarose gels with concentrations up to 3%.
    • DNA fragment recovery after purification of at least 80%.
    • No stages of isopropanol/ethanol reprecipitation or chloroform-phenol extraction.
    • DNA in a size range between 70 bp and 10 kb.
    • Time for extraction and purification: 35 minutes.
    • Available in kits for 50 and 100 samples.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP‑5»

    «ALPREP-5» Extraction kit

    Auto­mat­ic Ex­trac­tion kit from clin­ic­al and bio­lo­gic­al samples.

    Designed for automated DNA and RNA extraction from clinical samples (mucous membranes, biological fluids) by magnetic sorption.

    • Adapted for Auto-Pure 96, KingFisher Flex 96, INOPurauto-96, Nexor 96, Gene Pure Pro 96 extraction systems.
    • Ensures removal of reverse transcription and PCR inhibitors.
    • A260/A280 extraction purity of at least 1.7.
    • DNA/RNA extraction efficiency from 30 to 70%.
    • Total time of protocol ‒ 35 minutes.
  • Набор реагентов «ALVETPREP»

    «ALVETPREP» Extraction kit

    Ex­trac­tion Kit from ve­ter­in­ary samples.

    Designed for manual or automated extraction of DNA/RNA using magnetic sorption from animal tissues, blood, surface swabs, and food products.

    • Adapted with Auto Pure, Gene Pure Pro, Nexor, KingFisher, INOPurauto extraction systems.
    • Purity of extracted DNA/RNA is at least 1.7 by the A260/A280 ratio.
    • DNA/RNA extraction efficiency ranges from 30 % to 70 %.
    • Manual extraction time from one sample is up to 40 minutes; automated extraction from 96 samples takes up to 45 minutes.
    • Ensures removal of PCR inhibitors and minimizes contamination risk.
  • Набор реагентов «ALPREP PRELYSIS»

    «ALPREP Prelysis» kit

    Pre­lim­in­ary lys­is of hard tis­sues (bone, car­til­age, teeth).

    Designed for the nucleic acids extraction from cartilage tissue samples of various animal species.

    • Handling Complex Matrices: Effective at the pre-analytical stage of sample preparation.
    • Lysis Efficiency: Achieves a lysis efficiency of 70-100%.




Products for Endotoxin & Pyrogen Detection (LAL, MAT)

  • Вода «ALPYR Water» для БЭТ

    «ALPYR Water» for BET

    Wa­ter cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

    Wa­ter cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

  • Пробирки «ALPYR Tube» для ЛАЛ-теста

    «ALPYR Tube» Apyrogenic tubes

    For LAL-test and dilution procedures using any of the pharmacopoeia method.

    For LAL-test and dilution procedures using any of the pharmacopoeia method.

  • Контейнеры апирогенные «ALPYR Container»

    «ALPYR Container» Sampling containers

    Samp­ling con­tain­ers cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

    Samp­ling con­tain­ers cer­ti­fied free of pyro­gens for LAL and MAT-ap­proaches, cell cul­tur­ing.

  • Набор реагентов «ALPYR MAT»

    «ALPYR MAT» Monocyte activation test kit

    MAT to de­term­ine the con­tent of bac­teri­al en­do­tox­ins and pyro­gens of non­en­do­tox­in nature.

    MAT to de­term­ine the con­tent of bac­teri­al en­do­tox­ins and pyro­gens of non­en­do­tox­in nature.

  • Набор реагентов «ALPYR Test»

    «ALPYR Test» Gel clot test Standard

    For gel thrombus test (LAL-test).

    For gel thrombus test (LAL-test).




PCR Kits




Antiseptic Products





Laboratory Plasticware

  • Набор пластиковых расходных материалов для роботизированной станции (KingFisher Flex и Auto-Pure 96)

    Plastic Kit for Robotic Station (KingFisher Flex & Auto-Pure 96)

    For the extraction and purification of DNA/RNA, proteins, and fragments from gels and reaction mixtures.

    For the extraction and purification of DNA/RNA, proteins, and fragments from gels and reaction mixtures.

  • Планшеты глубоколуночные

    DEEP WELL PLATE (96 wells)

    For pre­par­a­tion, st­or­age, screen­ing, ana­lys­is and in­ocu­la­tion of bac­teria or yeasts.

    For pre­par­a­tion, st­or­age, screen­ing, ana­lys­is and in­ocu­la­tion of bac­teria or yeasts.

Tools for Contamination Detection & Sanitary Control

Solutions for Early Screening of Precancerous Conditions & Cervical Cancer

  • Раствор «NOVAprep Decontamination liquid»

    NOVAprep Decontamination liquid

    Decontamination liquid for NOVAprep station.

    Decontamination liquid for NOVAprep station.

  • Раствор «NOVAprep HQ+ Preservative Solution»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Preservative Solution

    Fixation of cells in a cytological sample.

    Fixation of cells in a cytological sample.

  • Набор для декантации «NOVAprep Decantation System»

    NOVAprep Decantation System

    Labware for decantation.

    Labware for decantation.

  • Набор стекол «NOVAprep Slide»

    NOVAprep Slide kit

    Slides for liquid cytology.

    Slides for liquid cytology.

  • Виалы «NOVAprep HQ+ Grey Vial»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Grey Vial

    Storage and transportation of non-gynecological biomaterial.

    Storage and transportation of non-gynecological biomaterial.

  • Виалы «NOVAprep HQ+ Orange Vial»

    NOVAprep HQ+ Orange Vial

    Storage and transportation of gynecological biomaterial.

    Storage and transportation of gynecological biomaterial.

  • Система автоматизированная для жидкостной цитологии «NOVAprep Processor System»

    Automated system for liquid cytology «NOVAprep Processor System»

    Preparation of cytological samples with the ability for multiple aliquoting.

    Preparation of cytological samples with the ability for multiple aliquoting.

  • New product
    «NOVAprep® miR-Cervix» Reagent kit

    «NOVAprep® miR-Cervix» Reagent kit

    Precan­cerous condi­tions and cer­vic­al can­cer de­tec­tion by RT-PCR in bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al by means miRNA pro­fil­ing.

    Designed for differential diagnosis of cervical precancer and cancer by determining the expression levels of specific microRNAs in biological material using reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR).

    • Automated or manual microRNA extraction.
    • Capability for parallel cytological examination, HPV testing, and microRNA analysis in cytological samples.
    • Differential diagnosis of mild and severe cervical epithelial dysplasia (LSIL vs. HSIL), including early stages of cervical cancer (CIS).
    • High result accuracy ensured by software-based data analysis.
    • Declaration of conformity № 013/2022.

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