NOVAprep® Smart Solution for Liquid-Based Cytology

NOVAprep® Smart Solution for Liquid-Based Cytology

Al­gimed Techno – man­u­fac­turer of NOVAprep® Equip­ment and Re­agents for Li­quid-Based Cyto­logy sup­ports the pre­ven­tion, de­tec­tion and treat­ment of cer­vic­al can­cer.

No woman should die from a preventable disease. Elimination of cervical cancer is within our grasp if we unite behind this common goal and deliver vaccination, screening and treatment.

Dr. Nino Berdzuli, Director of Country Health Programmes, WHO Regional Office for Europe

4 Feb­ru­ary is World Cer­vic­al Can­cer Day, let’s make everything to sup­port­ing dia­gnost­ics and treat­ment in your coun­try.