Plastic Kit for Robotic Station (KingFisher Flex & Auto-Pure 96)

Item code: PPT-010-96

Ready-to-use plast­ic con­sum­ables kit for ro­bot­ic sta­tions. The kit in­cludes 96-deep-well plates and mag­net­ic tip rod that is com­pat­ible with King­Fish­er Flex, Auto-Pure-96, IN­Op­ure-auto 96, Nex­or 96.

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It is ap­plic­able for DNA/RNA/pro­teins puri­fic­a­tion as well as DNA-frag­ment clean­ing from gels and puri­fic­a­tion of re­ac­tion mix­tures by mag­net­ic sorp­tion. The kid provides pos­s­ib­il­ity to pro­gram 5‑step pro­to­cols in­to ro­bot­ic sta­tion namely:

  • lys­is stage;
  • 3-times wash­ing stage;
  • elu­tion stage.