ELISA-kits and An­tibody-based Solu­tions
Mass spec­tro­metry solu­tions
miRNA pro­fil­ing kit
Sample Pre­par­a­tion Kit and Re­agents for PCR-labor­at­or­ies: ex­trac­tion and puri­fic­a­tion kit for DNA, RNA, pro­teins, pre-lys­is kits, com­pet­ents cells
En­do­tox­in and Pyro­gen De­tec­tion Test (LAL, MAT)
«AL­SEPT with cac­tus aroma» spray & «AL­SEPT with rose­mary and cu­cum­ber aroma» spray
High-per­fo­mance en­zymes
Plastic consumables & Deep Well Plates
Con­tam­in­a­tion De­tec­tion Kits (Hy­gen­ic and San­it­ary con­trol)
NOVAPREP Solu­tions for Cer­vic­al Can­cer Screen­ing and Dia­gnost­ics
Equip­ment («Vis­ion 90» x‑ray ma­chine)
Samp­ling kits